Content Marketing Dolores Andrew-Gavin Content Marketing Dolores Andrew-Gavin

Does size matter for your social media and blog posts?

The practice of less is better in your content can work like a dream.

There is no need for extra words, if extra words in your blog or your post serves no purpose.

If you were trying to get a point out in your blog about your product then make sure that this is being heard.  If you fill your blog  or posts with "fluff" just to reach a particular word count then the real message can become hidden or the reader may go off in a tangent.  

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Dolores Andrew-Gavin Dolores Andrew-Gavin

How can You Make a Difference With Your Business Story?

Nobody will know about your business and how great it is unless you tell them and you can make your business stand out and have your story heard through your voice.   Your content speaks your voice and once you come from that space within you, confidently telling your story and most importantly, feeling like you belong there, you have nailed it!! 

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Dolores Andrew-Gavin Dolores Andrew-Gavin

How to Create Content that Stands Out

Creating content takes time.  From deciding on what to focus on, to checking analytics to see where our content is performing better and then editing and creating graphics.    

One of the biggest things of course to get right is producing content that stands out from the crowd.   If you create posts that get little or no traction how do you change that?

The first thing is to know why you are creating this particular piece of content and who are you directing it to? 

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