What should I Tweet about?

This is probably the question I am asked most often in relation to the work I do.

What should I say in my tweet, in my Facebook Post etc.

Firstly I would ask you, who are you talking to and what do you want them to know?

People are on different stages of the customer journey with you and will therefore react differently to different types of content.

So if you are preparing a tweet with your ideal client in mind then you know what their pain points are. What solution do you have for them?

When you are clear on this then this is what you will tweet about e.g. perhaps a page from your website which discusses their pain point and shows how your solution will support them.

If you are tweeting for brand awareness in for example a hashtag hour then you may not know your audience and you may want to add a tweet to introduce yourself.

So you prepare a tweet perhaps sharing your About Page from your website.

Part 1 of my On line Self Paced Twitter course shows you how to understand who your ideal clients might be and how to understand their pain points.

It costs €59.90 and you can check it out here.


How to create a community on Twitter


Brand Awareness through Twitter Hashtag Hours