Getting Twitter Savvy
To Find Your Tribe
A comprehensive self paced on line workshop which delves deep with finding your story. As a Business Clarity Coach the one thing I see clients are challenged with across all social platforms, copy for their website or blogs is not knowing what to write and who to write it for.
The journey starts with getting to know who YOU are first, without the limiting beliefs that you can’t make your business work.
So that is why I created 2 You Tube videos.
Video 1 You start with finding your Why and from there I help you create an Avatar or picture of your ideal client. I help you understand how to figure out how to find them and write content directed at their pain points.
Video 2 Is all about Twitter. It’s for beginnings and also those who want to figure out what to post and who to share it with. I also cover how to engage on hashtag hours, create lists, check your analytics to analysis who is engaging with you , create graphics in Canva and lots more!!
There is also an eBook and Avatar template.
This workshop is meant for you if …
· You have a powerful story to share with the world.
· You are ready to go forward in your business using social media.
· You are ready for the success, and to meet your “tribe”.
· You want to create a plan that will help you drive your success.
· You want to show up, everyday, fully authentic and in your own truth.
· You need help getting your story from the inside out!
Check out my You Tube video for more information here
Bonus Material 1
You get access to my 7 part video series on the subtle art of storytelling for your business. This is a deep dive into transforming limiting beliefs, reactive emotions, finding your point of power and creating your business story from that place.
It is truly transformational when you do the work.