Ocean Essence Wrap at Seabreeze Beauty
One of the beautiful treatment rooms at Seabreeze Beauty
When I was invited by ITWBN to try out a treatment at Seabreeze Beauty & Day Spa in Oranmore it was great timing to bring my New Year desires and plans for "cleaning" out my system one step closer.
Seabreeze Beauty & Day Spa, located in the Oran Town Centre, Oranmore, County Galway is a relaxing haven tucked away in a quiet corner on the first floor, away from the hustle and bustle of the nearby busy dual carriage.
So with dreams and hopes of getting on track with my New Year plans I decided to opt for an Ocean Essence Wrap for its' promise to detoxify and exfoliate using ground walnut shells and seaweed ingredients. The wrap also promised to stimulate the lymph nodes which gives that stubborn cellulite a kick into touch!
The walnut shells really tickled a lot of my senses also and I couldn't wait to try it out! I love trying new things, whether that be a healthy recipe or an organic beauty regime.
So the wrap started with an application of the walnut scrub which was very smooth, which is exactly the way I like scrubs. It is not always necessary to use course ingredients in scrubs, its' the quality that matters, in my opinion.
I almost didn't want to shower it off, but shower it off I did and then it was on to the next application which entailed a VOYA seaweed application. This was in powder form and smelt the real deal, not too strong but you know you are using seaweed.
The VOYA range has been around over 10 years and is the world’s first certified organic seaweed based skincare range. VOYA harness the restorative and healing powers of seaweed which is known for its therapeutic benefits as it is packed with minerals, vitamins and strong antioxidant properties. Seaweed is also hugely beneficial as a natural detoxifying and skin conditioning agent. This offers a joint benefit of removing toxins whilst also allowing our body enjoy its' nutritious ingredients.
Seaweed also has anti-ageing properties so this is another attraction of using seaweed for me.
Another shower later to remove the seaweed and it was onto the moisturiser application. My therapist Deirdre had a wonderful technique and she effleuraged the ‘Softly Does It’ body moisturiser onto my body. It was a delightful experience as you felt that the moisturiser was really being allowed to get into the energy centres of the body and do its' work.
The treatment also consisted of an Indian Head Massage! What a treat this was too. Although I am an energy therapist myself I had never experienced an Indian Head Massage .. what have I been missing?!!!! Deirdre applied the "Forget Me Knot" conditioner mask at the start of the head massage and this was something she recommended I leave in overnight. So my hair also got a treatment ... honestly there was no end to the treats during this session!!
The Indian Head Massage is a great way to stimulate the scalp and has the added benefit of being extremely relaxing.
Each step of the Ocean Essence wrap naturally progresses from the previous one and the addition of the Indian Head Massage and excellent application of the moisturiser left me feeling on cloud 9 when I left.
A side effect of this Ocean Essence wrap was that I slept like a log that night too!!!!
I also got to try out two teas from the VOYA range while I was there; I choose the Fennel when I arrived and Marcia recommended the Chamomile. Oh my, oh my that Chamomile was definitely one of the nicest teas I have every tried and I intend for it to be a staple in my cupboard from now on ... delish!
So if you are looking for a treat, an escape from the pressures of life or want to include organic treatments into your life then I would highly recommend a trip to Seabreeze Beauty & Day Spa in Oranmore, County Galway. Everything about the place, the ambience, the staff and the soft tones all add to the experience and I felt I could have been anywhere in the world!
Thanks to Deirdre and Marcia at Seabreeze Beauty & Day Spa and thanks to ITWBN.
I know I will be back.
Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Founder of IrishHealthHour, Founder Global Emotional Health Summit, Energy Therapist, Soul Care Mentor and Author.