IrishHealthHour chats to Eileen Forrestal

You can get early bird price for the Get Up and Go event in Sligo by clicking here.

It is only €55.00 until the 11th of February 2017.

More about Eileen Forrestal

Eileen Forrestal

Having recently retired from the position of Consultant Anaesthetist, after a 32 year career as a

Medical Doctor, Eileen is now engaged full time in the business at Get Up and Go Publications Ltd.

Eileen stuttered badly for most of her life and because of it she chose a profession, and ultimately a

Specialty (Anaesthesia) that allowed her to hide from many social interactions.

Eileen had discovered a wee diary called The Irish Survivors Diary. As part of a 350 km cycling

fundraiser, from Siagon to Angkor Wat, she met the publisher, hoping to get a donation for Action

Aid. A simple knock on the door opened the second chapter in her life. The publisher had just lost

her partner in life, (and in business) and she was ready to give up the diary, but Eileen, not wanting

to lose this important publication, decided almost instantly, to become a partner in the business.

The Diary transformed into The Irish Get Up and go Diary and they have been up and going ever


In 2014, Eileen gave up practicing medicine, believing that she could do more, for more people, by

developing and promoting products that educate, uplift and inspire, something she really loved.

‚The cave you fear to enter holds the tresure you seek’ (Joseph Campbell) . Realising that being

‚hidden and silent’ didn’t serve her purpose, Eileen overcame her fear of speaking in public to get

her message of ‚get up and go’ out into the world. An appearance on Dragon’s Den in 2011 was a

baptism of fire and she has not looked back.

They now produce a range of inspirational and motivational diaries, journals and events, for adults

and teens, embodying a philosophy and wisdom that works - Forgive the past - Live the present -

Create the future. The emphasis is on personal empowerment whereby they hope to educate,

inspire and encourage people to be aware of their choices, and to be responsible for their own

health, self expression, wellbeing, and happiness.

Eileen believes the accelerating rate of change in the world today seems to be overwhelming the

capacity of many people to simply 'keep up'.

“Mental heath and wellbeing issues of stress and burnout are becoming increasingly prevalent. Our

Get Up and Go diaries can, and do, positively impact the lives of many people, providing a source of

timeless wisdom from a pre ‘information age’ to guide them through the challenges of modern life

and may help shine a light in the darkness of despair”

The Get Up and Go Events bring together courageous individuals from many walks of life, who have

stepped outside their own ‘comfort zone’ to share their experience of living life ‘with passion and

purpose’ and are passionate about inspiring their audience to do the same.




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